Cognitive Screening Tools

Oxford Cognitive Screen
Brief cognitive screening tool for detecting focal domain-specific impairments common in stroke

OCS-plus aims to detect milder and domain-general cognitive changes, focussed on memory and executive attention.

Visual Perception Screening
Brief screening tool for perceptual difficulties post stroke

Oxford digital Multiple Errands Test
Brief tablet-based test to ecologically assess executive functioning in a shopping scenario
Clinical Research Topics

The OCS-Recovery project aims to assess short and medium term recovery of domain-specific cognitive problems detected on initial screening after stroke.

The OX-CHRONIC project, aims to determine the prevalence, nature, trajectories and wider impact of cognitive impairment in long term stroke survivors.

Clinical Neuroimaging
Neuroanatomical substrates to post-stroke cognitive impairments, using routine clinical scans.
Fundamental Attention Research

Visuo-spatial Neglect
Research into visuospatial Neglect subtypes: Clinical Utility and Underlying Mechanisms

Executive Attention
Research into Executive and controlled Attention, from planning complex tasks to sustained attention mechanisms