• [PDF] Weightman, M., Robinson, B., Mitchell, M. P., Garratt, E., Teal, R., Rudgewick-Brown, A., Demeyere, N., Fleming, M. K., & Johansen-Berg, H.. (2024). Sleep and motor learning in stroke (SMiLES): a longitudinal study investigating sleep-dependent consolidation of motor sequence learning in the context of recovery after stroke. Bmj open, 14(2), e077442.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N.. (2024). Acute post-stroke screening for a cognitive care pathway. The lancet healthy longevity, 5(1), e4–e5.
  • [PDF] Overman, M. J., Binns, E., Milosevich, E. T., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Recovery of Visuospatial Neglect With Standard Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Stroke.
  • [PDF] Julio-Ramos, T., Foncea-Gonzalez, C., Farias-Ulloa, C., Inostroza-Rojas, S., Conejeros-Pavez, J., Gutierrez-Vasquez, D., Soler-Leon, B., Saez-Martinez, J., Solinas-Ivys, P., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Validation of the American-Spanish Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS-Sp): Normative data and psychometric properties in acute stroke patients. Neurología.
  • [PDF] Webb, S. S., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Comparing the Oxford Digital Multiple Errands Test (OxMET) to a real-life version: Convergence, feasibility, and acceptability. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 1–26.
  • [PDF] Roberts, R., Vohora, R., Webb, S. S., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Validating the OCS-Plus against a clinical standard: A brief report. Journal of neuropsychology, n/a(n/a).
  • [PDF] Milosevich, E., Kusec, A., Pendlebury, S. T., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Domain-specific cognitive impairments, mood and quality of life 6 months after stroke. Disability and rehabilitation, 1–10.
  • [PDF] Hobden, G., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Information needs of stroke survivors and their family members regarding post-stroke cognition: a scoping review protocol. Jbi evidence synthesis, 22(4), 720–726.
  • [PDF] Webb, S., Carrick, C., Kusec, A., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Introducing the Tele-OCS: Preliminary evidence of validity for a remotely administered version of The Oxford Cognitive Scree. .
  • [PDF] Hobden, G., Moore, M. J., Mair, G., Pendlebury, S. T., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). Poststroke Executive Function in Relation to White Matter Damage on Clinically Acquired CT Brain Imaging. Cognitive and behavioral neurology, 37(1), 23.
  • [PDF] Milosevich, E., Demeyere, N., & Pendlebury, S. T.. (2024). Infection, Inflammation, and Poststroke Cognitive Impairment. Journal of the american heart association, 13(2), e9130.
  • [PDF] Bormann, T., Kaller, C. P., Kulyk, C., Demeyere, N., & Weiller, C.. (2024). The German version of the Oxford Cognitive Screen (D-OCS): Normative data and validation in acute stroke and a mixed neurological sample. Journal of neuropsychology, n/a(n/a).
  • [PDF] Cho, E., Choi, S., Demeyere, N., Hwang, S. S. S., & Kim, M.. (2024). The Korean Version of the Oxford Cognitive Screen (K-OCS) Normative Study. Annals of rehabilitation medicine, 48(1), 22–30.
  • [PDF] Hobden, G., Tang, E. Y. H., & Demeyere, N.. (2024). A qualitative study investigating the views of stroke survivors and their family members on discussing post-stroke cognitive trajectories. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 1–18.


  • [PDF] Dillon, A., Casey, J., Gaskell, H., Drummond, A., Demeyere, N., & Dawes, H.. (2023). Is there evidence for a relationship between cognitive impairment and fatigue after acquired brain injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Disability and rehabilitation, 45(26), 4359–4372.
  • [PDF] Porrselvi, P., Venkateswaran, P., Vijayanand, S., Webb, S. S., Ramkumar, S., R, S. C., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). The cultural and linguistic adaptation of the Oxford Cognitive Screen to Tamil. Journal of the international neuropsychological society, 29(10), 964–971.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N.. (2023). Acute post-stroke screening for a cognitive care pathway. The lancet healthy longevity.
  • [PDF] Kusec, A., Milosevich, E., Williams, O. A., Chiu, E. G., Watson, P., Carrick, C., Drozdowska, B. A., Dillon, A., Jennings, T., Anderson, B., Dawes, H., Thomas, S., Kuppuswamy, A., Pendlebury, S. T., Quinn, T. J., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Long-term psychological outcomes following stroke: the OX-CHRONIC study. Bmc neurology, 23(1), 426.
  • [PDF] Hobden, G., Colbourne, E., Pendlebury, S. T., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Reliability of the global cortical atrophy visual rating scale applied to computed tomography versus magnetic resonance imaging scans in acute stroke. Neurological sciences.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Demeyere, N., Rorden, C., & Mattingley, J. B.. (2023). Lesion mapping in neuropsychological research: A practical and conceptual guide. Cortex.
  • [PDF] Gan, J. M., Riley, J., Basting, R., Demeyere, N., & Pendlebury, S. T.. (2023). Decision-making capacity in older medical in-patients: frequency of assessment and rates of incapacity by decision-type and underlying brain/mind impairment. Age and ageing, 52(9).
  • [PDF] Milosevich, E., Moore, M. J., Pendlebury, S., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Domain-specific cognitive impairment 6 months after stroke: the value of early cognitive screening. International journal of stroke, 17474930231205787.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Hearne, L., Demeyere, N., & Mattingley, J. B.. (2023). Comprehensive voxel-wise, tract-based, and network lesion mapping reveals unique architectures of right and left visuospatial neglect. Brain structure and function.
  • [PDF] Hobden, G., Moore, M. J., Colbourne, E., Pendlebury, S. T., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Association of Neuroimaging Markers on Clinical CT Scans With Domain-Specific Cognitive Impairment in the Early and Later Post-Stroke Stages. Neurology.
  • [PDF] Webb, S. S., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Using Multiverse Analysis to Highlight Differences in Convergent Correlation Outcomes Due to Data Analytical and Study Design Choices. Assessment, 30(6), 1825–1835.
  • [PDF] Webb, S. S., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Predictive validity of the Oxford digital multiple errands test (OxMET) for functional outcomes after stroke. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 1–17.
  • [PDF] Hobden, G., Tang, E., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Cognitive assessment after stroke: A qualitative study of patients’ experiences. Bmj open, 13(6).
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Jenkinson, M., Griffanti, L., Huygelier, H., Gillebert, C. R., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). A comparison of lesion mapping analyses based on CT versus MR imaging in stroke. Neuropsychologia, 184, 108564.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Word-centred neglect dyslexia as an inhibitional deficit: A single case study. Neuropsychologia, 184, 108502.
  • [PDF] Weightman, M., Robinson, B., Fallows, R., Henry, A. L., Kyle, S. D., Garratt, E., Pick, A., Teal, R., Ajina, S., Demeyere, N., Espie, C. A., Seymour, B., Johansen-Berg, H., & Fleming, M. K.. (2023). Improving sleep and learning in rehabilitation after stroke, part 2 (INSPIRES2): study protocol for a home-based randomised control trial of digital cognitive behavioural therapy (dCBT) for insomnia. Bmj open, 13(4), e071764.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Milosevich, E., Mattingley, J. B., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). The neuroanatomy of visuospatial neglect: A systematic review and analysis of lesion-mapping methodology. Neuropsychologia, 108470.
  • [PDF] Wheeler, M., Williams, O. A., Johns, L., Chiu, E. G., Slavkova, E. D., & Demeyere, N.. (2023). Unravelling the complex interactions between self-awareness, cognitive change, and mood at 6-months post-stroke using the Y-shaped model. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 33(4).
  • [PDF] Gurd, J., Demeyere, N., & Moore, M. J.. (2023). Attentional and lexical factors underlying word-centred neglect dyslexia errors in healthy readers. Attention, perception, & psychophysics.
  • [PDF] Sanctuary, C., Hewitt, L., Demeyere, N., Kankkunen, K., Oxenham, V. D., Simpson, D. B., Stolwyk, R. J., Synn, A., Webb, S. S., & Marsden, D. L.. (2023). The Oxford Cognitive Screen for use with Australian people after stroke (OCS-AU): The adaptation process and determining cut scores for cognitive impairment using a cross-sectional normative study. Australian occupational therapy journal, 70(1), 73–85.
  • [PDF] Kozik, V., Reuken, P., Utech, I., Gramlich, J., Stallmach, Z., Demeyere, N., Rakers, F., Schwab, M., Stallmach, A., & Finke, K.. (2023). Characterization of neurocognitive deficits in patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome: persistence, patients’ complaints, and clinical predictors. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1233144.


  • [PDF] Huygelier, H., Schraepen, B., Miatton, M., Welkenhuyzen, L., Michiels, K., Note, E., Lafosse, C., Thielen, H., Lemmens, R., Bruffaerts, R., Demeyere, N., & Gillebert, C. R.. (2022). The Dutch Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS-NL): psychometric properties in Flemish stroke survivors. Neurological sciences.
  • [PDF] Webb, S. S., Hobden, G., Roberts, R., Chiu, E. G., King, S., & Demeyere, N.. (2022). Validation of the UK English Oxford cognitive screen-plus in sub-acute and chronic stroke survivors. European stroke journal.
  • [PDF] Vancleef, K., Colwell, M. J., Hewitt, O., & Demeyere, N.. (2022). Current practice and challenges in screening for visual perception deficits after stroke: a qualitative study. Disability and rehabilitation, 44(10), 2063–2072.
  • [PDF] Brosnan, M. B., Dockree, P. M., Harty, S., Pearce, D. J., Levenstein, J. M., Gillebert, C. R., Bellgrove, M. A., O’Connell, R. G., Robertson, I. H., & Demeyere, N.. (2022). Lost in Time: Temporal Monitoring Elicits Clinical Decrements in Sustained Attention Post-Stroke. Journal of the international neuropsychological society, 28(3), 249–257.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., & Demeyere, N.. (2022). Lesion symptom mapping of domain-specific cognitive impairments using routine imaging in stroke. Neuropsychologia, 167, 108159.
  • [PDF] Valério, D., Almeida, J., Demeyere, N., Lima, M., Nogueira, J., & Santana, I.. (2022). The European Portuguese version of the Oxford Cognitive Screening (OCS-Pt): a screening test for acute stroke patients. Neurological sciences.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., & Demeyere, N.. (2022). Multiverse to inform neurological research: an example using recovery outcome of neglect. Journal of neurology, 269(1), 233–242.
  • [PDF] Moore, M., Milosevich, E., Beisteiner, R., Bowen, A., Checketts, M., Demeyere, N., Fordell, H., Godefroy, O., Laczó, J., Rich, T., Williams, L., Woodward-Nutt, K., & Husain, M.. (2022). Rapid screening for neglect following stroke: A systematic search and European Academy of Neurology recommendations. European journal of neurology, n/a(n/a).
  • [PDF] Iosa, M., Demeyere, N., Abbruzzese, L., Zoccolotti, P., & Mancuso, M.. (2022). Principal Component Analysis of Oxford Cognitive Screen in Patients With Stroke. Frontiers in neurology, 13.


  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Vancleef, K., Riddoch, J. M., Gillebert, C. R., & Demeyere, N.. (2021). Recovery of Visuospatial Neglect Subtypes and Relationship to Functional Outcome Six Months After Stroke. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 35(9), 823–835.
  • [PDF] Webb, S. S., Kontou, E., & Demeyere, N.. (2021). The COVID-19 pandemic altered the modality, but not the frequency, of formal cognitive assessment. Disability and rehabilitation, 1–9.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Haupt, M., Webb, S. S., Strobel, L., Milosevich, E. T., Moore, M. J., Wright, H., Finke, K., & Duta, M. D.. (2021). Introducing the tablet-based Oxford Cognitive Screen-Plus (OCS-Plus) as an assessment tool for subtle cognitive impairments. Scientific reports, 11(1), 8000.
  • [PDF] Williams, O. A., & Demeyere, N.. (2021). Association of Depression and Anxiety With Cognitive Impairment 6 Months After Stroke. Neurology.
  • [PDF] Webb, S. S., Jespersen, A., Chiu, E. G., Payne, F., Basting, R., Duta, M. D., & Demeyere, N.. (2021). The Oxford digital multiple errands test (OxMET): Validation of a simplified computer tablet based multiple errands test. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 1–26.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Williams, O. A., Milosevich, E., Chiu, E. G., Drozdowska, B. A., Dillon, A., Dawes, H., Thomas, S., Kuppuswamy, A., Pendlebury, S. T., & J Quinn, T.. (2021). Long-term psychological consequences of stroke (OX-CHRONIC): A longitudinal study of cognition in relation to mood and fatigue after stroke: Protocol. European stroke journal, 23969873211046120.
  • [PDF] Webb, S. S., Moore, M. J., Yamshchikova, A., Kozik, V., Duta, M. D., Voiculescu, I., & Demeyere, N.. (2021). Validation of an automated scoring program for a digital complex figure copy task within healthy aging and stroke. Neuropsychology.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Gillebert, C. R., & Demeyere, N.. (2021). Right and left neglect are not anatomically homologous: A voxel-lesion symptom mapping study. Neuropsychologia, 162, 108024.
  • [PDF] Vass, L., Moore, M. J., Hanayik, T., Mair, G., Pendlebury, S. T., Demeyere, N., & Jenkinson, M.. (2021). A Comparison of Cranial Cavity Extraction Tools for Non-contrast Enhanced CT Scans in Acute Stroke Patients. Neuroinformatics.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Driscoll, R., Colwell, M., Hewitt, O., & Demeyere, N.. (2021). Aligning formal and functional assessments of Visuospatial Neglect: A mixed-methods study. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 1–20.
  • [PDF] Fleming, M. K., Smejka, T., Henderson Slater, D., Chiu, E. G., Demeyere, N., & Johansen-Berg, H.. (2021). Self-Reported and Objective Sleep Measures in Stroke Survivors With Incomplete Motor Recovery at the Chronic Stage. Neurorehabilitation and neural repair, 15459683211029889.
  • [PDF] Rowe, K., Duta, M., Demeyere, N., Wagner, R. G., Pettifor, A., Kahn, K., Tollman, S., Scerif, G., & Stein, A.. (2021). The relationship between executive function, risky behaviour and HIV in young women from the HPTN 068 study in rural South Africa. Aids care, 33.
  • [PDF] Rowe, K., Duta, M., Demeyere, N., Wagner, R. G., Pettifor, A., Kahn, K., Tollman, S., Scerif, G., & Stein, A.. (2021). Validation of Oxford Cognitive Screen: Executive Function (OCS-EF), a tablet-based executive function assessment tool amongst adolescent females in rural South Africa. International journal of psychology, n/a.


  • [PDF] Vancleef, K., Colwell, M. J., Hewitt, O., & Demeyere, N.. (2020). Current practice and challenges in screening for visual perception deficits after stroke: a qualitative study. Disability and rehabilitation, 1–10.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., & Demeyere, N.. (2020). Dissociating spatial attention from neglect dyslexia: A single case study. Cortex, 130, 246–256.
  • [PDF] Hobson, H., Chiu, E. G., Ravenscroft, C., Partridge, K., Bird, G., & Demeyere, N.. (2020). The association between communication impairments and acquired alexithymia in chronic stroke patients. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology.
  • [PDF] Mole, J. A., & Demeyere, N.. (2020). The relationship between early post-stroke cognition and longer term activities and participation: a systematic review. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 30(2), 346–370.
  • [PDF] Robotham, R. J., Riis, J. O., & Demeyere, N.. (2020). A danish version of the oxford cognitive screen: a stroke-specific screening test as an alternative to the moca. Aging, neuropsychology, and cognition, 27(1), 52–65.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Shalev, N., Gillebert, C. R., & Demeyere, N.. (2020). Dissociations within neglect-related reading impairments: egocentric and allocentric neglect dyslexia. Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology, 42(4), 352–362.
  • [PDF] Huygelier, H., Moore, M. J., Demeyere, N., & Gillebert, C. R.. (2020). Non-spatial impairments affect false-positive neglect diagnosis based on cancellation tasks. Journal of the international neuropsychological society.
  • [PDF] Farrell, M. T., Kobayashi, L. C., Montana, L., Wagner, R. G., Demeyere, N., & Berkman, L.. (2020). Education disparity only partially explains cognitive gender differences in older rural south africans. The journals of gerontology: series b.


  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Sun, S., Milosevich, E., & Vancleef, K.. (2019). Post-stroke cognition with the Oxford Cognitive Screen vs Montreal Cognitive Assessment: a multi-site randomized controlled study (OCS-CARE). Amrc open research, 1, 12.
  • [PDF] Huygelier, H., Schraepen, B., Demeyere, N., & Gillebert, C. R.. (2019). The Dutch version of the Oxford Cognitive Screen (OCS-NL): normative data and their association with age and socio-economic status. Aging, neuropsychology, and cognition, 1–22.
  • [PDF] Shendyapina, M., Kuzmina, E., Kazymaev, S., Petrova, A., Demeyere, N., & Weekes, B. S.. (2019). The russian version of the oxford cognitive screen: validation study on stroke survivors.. Neuropsychology, 33(1), 77.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., Vancleef, K., Shalev, N., Husain, M., & Demeyere, N.. (2019). When neglect is neglected: nihss observational measure lacks sensitivity in identifying post-stroke unilateral neglect. J neurol neurosurg psychiatry, jnnp–2018.
  • [PDF] Milosevich, E., Pendlebury, S., & Demeyere, N.. (2019). Reply to:“diagnostic test accuracy of the montreal cognitive assessment in the detection of post-stroke cognitive impairment under different stages and cutoffs: a systematic review and meta-analysis”. Neurological sciences, 1–2.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., & Céline R, G.. (2019). Ego- and allocentric visuospatial neglect: dissociations, prevalence, and laterality in acute stroke.. Neuropsychology, 33(3), 490–498.


  • [PDF] Shalev, N., Humphreys, G., & Demeyere, N.. (2018). Manipulating perceptual parameters in a continuous performance task. Behavior research methods, 50(1), 380–391.
  • [PDF] Shalev, N., De Wandel, L., Dockree, P., Demeyere, N., & Chechlacz, M.. (2018). Beyond time and space: the effect of a lateralized sustained attention task and brain stimulation on spatial and selective attention. Cortex, 107, 131–147.
  • [PDF] Varjačić, A., Mantini, D., Levenstein, J., Slavkova, E. D., Demeyere, N., & Gillebert, C. R.. (2018). The role of left insula in executive set-switching: lesion evidence from an acute stroke cohort. Cortex, 107, 92–101.
  • [PDF] Mancuso, M., Demeyere, N., Abbruzzese, L., Damora, A., Varalta, V., Pirrotta, F., Antonucci, G., Matano, A., Caputo, M., Caruso, M. G., & others. (2018). Using the oxford cognitive screen to detect cognitive impairment in stroke patients: a comparison with the mini-mental state examination. Frontiers in neurology, 9, 101.
  • [PDF] Varjacic, A., Mantini, D., Demeyere, N., & Gillebert, C. R.. (2018). Neural signatures of trail making test performance: evidence from lesion-mapping and neuroimaging studies. Neuropsychologia, 115, 78–87.
  • [PDF] Rosenberg, M., Pettifor, A., Duta, M., Demeyere, N., Wagner, R. G., Selin, A., MacPhail, C., Laeyendecker, O., Hughes, J. P., Stein, A., & others. (2018). Executive function associated with sexual risk in young south african women: findings from the hptn 068 cohort. Plos one, 13(4), e0195217.
  • [PDF] Mole, J. A., & Demeyere, N.. (2018). The relationship between early post-stroke cognition and longer term activities and participation: a systematic review. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 1–25.
  • [PDF] Hong, W., Tao, J., Wong, A. W., Yang, S., Leung, M., Lee, T., Demeyere, N., Lau, S. C., Chien, C., Chan, C. C., & others. (2018). Psychometric properties of the chinese (putonghua) version of the oxford cognitive screen (ocs-p) in subacute poststroke patients without neglect. Biomed research international, 2018.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., & Demeyere, N.. (2018). Neglect dyslexia as a word-centred impairment: a single case study. Cortex.


  • [PDF] Humphreys, G. W., Duta, M. D., Montana, L., Demeyere, N., McCrory, C., Rohr, J., Kahn, K., Tollman, S., & Berkman, L.. (2017). Cognitive function in low-income and low-literacy settings: validation of the tablet-based oxford cognitive screen in the health and aging in africa: a longitudinal study of an indepth community in south africa (haalsi). The journals of gerontology: series b, 72(1), 38–50.
  • [PDF] Finsterwalder, S., Demeyere, N., & Gillebert, C. R.. (2017). Deficit in feature-based attention following a left thalamic lesion. Neuropsychologia, 102, 1–10.
  • [PDF] Wright, H., Jenks, R. A., & Demeyere, N.. (2017). Frequent sexual activity predicts specific cognitive abilities in older adults. The journals of gerontology: series b, 74(1), 47–51.
  • [PDF] Haupt, M., Gillebert, C. R., & Demeyere, N.. (2017). The zero effect: voxel-based lesion symptom mapping of number transcoding errors following stroke. Scientific reports, 7(1), 9242.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N.. (2017). From bench to bedside in neuropsychology: professor glyn w. humphreys’ legacy. Cambridge quarterly of healthcare ethics, 26(4), 705–709.
  • [PDF] Moore, M. J., & Demeyere, N.. (2017). Neglect dyslexia in relation to unilateral visuospatial neglect: a review. Aims neuroscience, 4(4).


  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Riddoch, M., Slavkova, E., Jones, K., Reckless, I., Mathieson, P., & Humphreys, G.. (2016). Domain-specific versus generalized cognitive screening in acute stroke. Journal of neurology, 263(2), 306–315.
  • [PDF] Puvanendran, K., Dowker, A., & Demeyere, N.. (2016). Compensating arithmetic ability with derived fact strategies in broca’s aphasia: a case report. Neurocase, 22(2), 205–214.
  • [PDF] Shalev, N., Humphreys, G., & Demeyere, N.. (2016). Assessing the temporal aspects of attention and its correlates in aging and chronic stroke patients. Neuropsychologia, 92, 59–68.
  • [PDF] Harrison, J. K., Noel-Storr, A. H., Demeyere, N., Reynish, E. L., & Quinn, T. J.. (2016). Outcomes measures in a decade of dementia and mild cognitive impairment trials. Alzheimer’s research & therapy, 8(1), 48.

Older publications

  • [PDF] Bickerton, W., Demeyere, N., Francis, D., Kumar, V., Remoundou, M., Balani, A., Harris, L., Williamson, J., Lau, J. K., Samson, D., & others. (2015). The bcos cognitive profile screen: utility and predictive value for stroke.. Neuropsychology, 29(4), 638.
  • [PDF] Vancleef, K., Acke, E., Torfs, K., Demeyere, N., Lafosse, C., Humphreys, G., Wagemans, J., & de-Wit , L.. (2015). Reliability and validity of the l euven perceptual organization screening test (l-post). Journal of neuropsychology, 9(2), 271–298.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Riddoch, J. M., Slavkova, E. D., Bickerton, W., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2015). The oxford cognitive screen (ocs): validation of a stroke-specific short cognitive screening tool.. Psychological assessment, 27(3), 883.
  • [PDF] Massa, S. M., Wang, N., Bickerton, W., Demeyere, N., Riddoch, J. M., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2015). On the importance of cognitive profiling: a graphical modelling analysis of domain-specific and domain-general deficits after stroke. Cortex, 71, 190–204.
  • [PDF] Antoniades, C. A., Demeyere, N., Kennard, C., Humphreys, G. W., & Hu, M. T.. (2015). Antisaccades and executive dysfunction in early drug-naive parkinson’s disease: the discovery study. Movement disorders, 30(6), 843–847.
  • [PDF] Storer, L., & Demeyere, N.. (2014). Disruptions to number bisection after brain injury: neglecting parts of the mental number line or working memory impairments?. Brain and cognition, 86, 116–123.
  • [PDF] Chechlacz, M., Novick, A., Rotshtein, P., Bickerton, W., Humphreys, G. W., & Demeyere, N.. (2014). The neural substrates of drawing: a voxel-based morphometry analysis of constructional, hierarchical, and spatial representation deficits. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 26(12), 2701–2715.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Rotshtein, P., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2014). Common and dissociated mechanisms for estimating large and small dot arrays: value-specific fmri adaptation. Human brain mapping, 35(8), 3988–4001.
  • [PDF] Chechlacz, M., Rotshtein, P., Demeyere, N., Bickerton, W., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2014). The frequency and severity of extinction after stroke affecting different vascular territories. Neuropsychologia, 54, 11–17.
  • [PDF] Woodbridge, R., Chechlacz, M., Humphreys, G. W., & Demeyere, N.. (2013). Neuro-anatomical correlates of a number bisection bias: a neuropsychological voxel-based morphometry study. Neuroimage: clinical, 2, 143–150.
  • [PDF] Chechlacz, M., Terry, A., Demeyere, N., Douis, H., Bickerton, W., Rotshtein, P., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2013). Common and distinct neural mechanisms of visual and tactile extinction: a large scale vbm study in sub-acute stroke. Neuroimage: clinical, 2, 291–302.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Rotshtein, P., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2012). The neuroanatomy of visual enumeration: differentiating necessary neural correlates for subitizing versus counting in a neuropsychological voxel-based morphometry study. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 24(4), 948–964.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2012). Immediate small number perception: evidence from a new numerical carry-over procedure.. Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance, 38(1), 18.
  • [PDF] Delvenne, J., Castronovo, J., Demeyere, N., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2011). Bilateral field advantage in visual enumeration. Plos one, 6(3), e17743.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Lestou, V., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2010). Neuropsychological evidence for a dissociation in counting and subitizing. Neurocase, 16(3), 219–237.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., Rzeskiewicz, A., Humphreys, K. A., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2008). Automatic statistical processing of visual properties in simultanagnosia. Neuropsychologia, 46(11), 2861–2864.
  • [PDF] Demeyere, N., & Humphreys, G. W.. (2007). Distributed and focused attention: neuropsychological evidence for separate attentional mechanisms when counting and estimating.. Journal of experimental psychology: human perception and performance, 33(5), 1076.